Niklesh Jain / ChessBase India
Accomplished Bangladeshi GM Ziaur Rahman Dies Mid-Game
Lichess extends its condolences to the family, friends, and many fans of GM Ziaur Rahman, who died at the age of 50 during his game against GM Enamul Hossain.The national chess championship of Bangladesh, the SAIF Powertec Bangladesh Championship 2024, was underway as GM Ziaur Rahman collapsed at about 6 PM local time. He was pronounced dead a few minutes later after he was rushed to the hospital. Rahman had a better position against GM Enamul Hossain in round 12 and was doing well in the tournament — a win against Hossain would have put him half a point behind leader FM Reja Neer Manon going into the last round. Tragically, disaster struck and Rahman collapsed from a heart attack. He is survived by his wife and son, FM Tahsin Tajwar Zia, who played alongside his father at the 2022 Olympiad.
GM Ziaur Rahman
Rahman was Bangladesh's second grandmaster, after GM Niaz Murshed. His peak rating of 2570, achieved on October 2005, is the highest rating ever achieved by a Bangladeshi. A mainstay of Bangladesh's national team, Rahman had a long and illustrious career, winning the national championship fourteen times, and qualifying for the World Cup several times, apart from many national and regional tournament victories. His highest rated wins include wins against Andrei Istrățescu, Nigel Short, and Sergey Fedorchuk. Apart from chess, Rahman graduated from the University of Dhaka with a degree in anthropology, but after that he pursued chess as a career.
Call for Doctors at Chess Tournaments
Members of the Bangladesh Chess Federation have encouraged Lichess to raise awareness about the need for doctors at chess tournaments. Prompt performance of CPR can save a lot of lives. According to the American Heart Association, if performed immediately, "CPR can double or triple the chance of survival from an out of hospital cardiac arrest". In the 2014 Olympiad, CM Kurt Meier also collapsed from a heart attack during his chess game. Chess can be a stressful game and increase the risk of heart attacks in those who are predisposed, so Lichess encourages easy access to defibrillators and trained medical personnel at chess tournaments.
Notable Games
Rahman was noted for his positional style. With positional chess come great defensive skills. Watch as Rahman calmly diffuses Loek van Wely's attack. Perfect play from Rahman!
A fine, short and sweet endgame demolition by Rahman against former world number three and world championship challenger Nigel Short.
Now for an attacking game against Sergey A. Fedorchuk!
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