Tragi Psychodrama, Secrets of Rook
The rook like a monster!We know that knights are more useful than Rooks. But that is not true! Rooks are eminent for their liftings and maneuvers. Rooks are mainly used for secret operations, to attack the king mainly in the flanks. Rooks also works during Endgame!!
Mainly we can see rook liftings in the games of Daniil Dubov. Okay let's go deep into it:-
Here we have our first example between Paul Keres and Bobby Fischer.
<iframe width="600" height="371" src="
" frameborder=0></iframe>Ra5! what a move.. controlling everything.

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<iframe width="600" height="371" src="
" frameborder=0></iframe>great position and piece play!
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