Played 55 Bullet games295054
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Alex Astaneh
Chess InsightsAnalytics from AstanehChess's games3-time Irish Champion & member of Olympiad team. Author of 'The Positional Chess Patterns Manual' on Chessable -> I also created a course on the Grunfeld, and co-authored one on the Scotch with WIM Fiona Steil-Antoni. For coaching/business inquiries ->
FIDE rating: 2431
Member since Apr 11, 2016
Time spent playing: 76 days 19 hours 43 minutes
Time on TV: 15 days 1 hour 56 minutes
Teams2nd lichess bullet championshipسرعتی های ایرانCheddleton & Leek Chess ClubCrypto Chess ProFiona's Fight ClubIM AstanehChess Fan ClubLevitov ChessLichess Bullet ChampionshipLichess Swiss
Marepant's CastlePlayerly.comPNWCC Thematic Bullet TeamQATAR CHESS ASSOCIATIONSt.Joseph's Pimary School CorkTeam ChessableThe House Discord Server

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