[Event "Rated King of the Hill game"]
[Site "https://lichess.org/LLpvZzEF"]
[Date "2024.09.03"]
[White "americanlegendd"]
[Black "Ediz_Gurel"]
[Result "0-1"]
[UTCDate "2024.09.03"]
[UTCTime "13:07:03"]
[WhiteElo "2374"]
[BlackElo "2571"]
[WhiteRatingDiff "-4"]
[BlackRatingDiff "+26"]
[BlackTitle "GM"]
[Variant "King of the Hill"]
[TimeControl "30+0"]
[ECO "B02"]
[Opening "Alekhine Defense: Normal Variation"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[Annotator "lichess.org"]
1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 { B02 Alekhine Defense: Normal Variation } 3. Ke2 c5 4. d4 e6 5. c4 Nc6 6. cxd5 exd5 7. Nf3 d6 8. b4 Bf5 9. bxc5 dxe5 10. dxe5 Bxc5 11. Be3 Qb6 12. Bxc5 Qxc5 13. Nbd2 O-O 14. Nb3 Qc4+ 15. Ke1 Qe4+ 16. Be2 Nxe5 17. Nxe5 Qxe5 18. Qd4 Qe6 19. Kd2 Rac8 20. Rhe1 Rc2+ 21. Kd1 Rfc8 22. Rc1 Rxc1+ 23. Nxc1 h6 24. Bd3 Qg6 25. Bxf5 Qxf5 26. Kd2 Qc2+ 27. Ke3 Re8+ 28. Kf4 Rxe1 29. Qe3 Rxe3 30. Kxe3 Qe4+ 31. Kd2 Qd4+ 32. Ke2 Kf8 33. Nd3 Ke7 34. Nf4 Kd6 35. Nxd5 Ke5# { Game ends by variant rule. } 0-1