Played 4 UltraBullet games155711
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Yuchen Dai

Member since May 5, 2024
Time spent playing: 1 day 3 hours 44 minutes
Time on TV: 7 minutes
Social media
Played 3 Bullet games20182
Played 1 move in 1 correspondence game
Competed in 2 tournaments
Ranked #234 (top 62%) with 3 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Ranked #80 (top 76%) with 4 games in Hourly UltraBullet Arena
Played 9 Bullet games201632
Played 1 Crazyhouse game18911
Played 2 moves in 2 correspondence games
Competed in 2 tournaments
Ranked #1 (top 33%) with 1 game in Hourly Crazyhouse Arena
Ranked #81 (top 34%) with 9 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Played 17 Bullet games204855
Played 2 King of the Hill games185955
Played 5 moves in 2 correspondence games
Competed in 2 tournaments
Ranked #42 (top 41%) with 8 games in Hourly HyperBullet Arena
Ranked #44 (top 81%) with 2 games in Hourly King of the Hill Arena
Competed in 1 Swiss tournament
Ranked #7 in HyperBullet Increment
Played 8 Bullet games21033
Played 2 moves in 2 correspondence games
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #40 (top 16%) with 8 games in Hourly Bullet Arena
Played one run of Puzzle Racer
Played 5 Bullet games21066
Played 1 Blitz game193112
Played 2 moves in 2 correspondence games
Competed in 2 tournaments
Ranked #44 (top 53%) with 3 games in Hourly HyperBullet Arena
Ranked #159 (top 73%) with 1 game in Blunder Masters 4 Team Battle
Played 4 UltraBullet games15684
Played 1 Bullet game210010
Played 3 moves in 2 correspondence games
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #45 (top 71%) with 4 games in Hourly UltraBullet Arena
Competed in 1 Swiss tournament
Ranked #8 in HyperBullet Increment
Played one run of Puzzle Racer
Played 12 UltraBullet games15727
Played 1 Bullet game21106
Played 2 moves in 1 correspondence game
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #40 (top 34%) with 12 games in Hourly UltraBullet Arena