Who else finds the Defensive Move puzzles incredibly difficult? Or is it just me?
Compared to other puzzles (at my puzzle rating level), I find Defensive Move puzzles far harder than any other puzzles. They seem to be "out of the ballpark" harder than anything else. What could cause this strange anomaly?
1. Am I far worse at defensive moves than anything else? This is feasible. Like many beginners, I don't notice or counter my opponent's plans or tactics very well at all. Even when I know I have to look for these things in a puzzle, I have great difficulty finding the right move(s).
2. Is there something wrong with the ratings of Defensive Move puzzles and why would that be? Are Defensive Move puzzles rarely done by lower rated players and more commonly done only by higher rated players? Would this skew their ratings?
3. Is there something wrong with the algorithm and/or human selection oversight for Defensive Move puzzles?
Example: Look at Puzzle #ZsBo7. This puzzle is rated 901. Is there any way this is a super simple 901 puzzle??? I mean most 900 puzzles are one move mates or one move captures of a hanging piece. This is quite a complicated position, surely nothing like a 901 rating.
I would be interested in other players' experiences of Defensive Move puzzles. At the "Easiest" level (where I start to get bulk quick puzzles done as a warm-up before I progress up the levels, the Defensive Move puzzles are also but not always heavily skewed to endgame puzzles. This might be because the sample size of "Easiest" puzzles at my puzzle rating is simply not large enough.
It would take a lot of words to explain it but this is messing up my puzzle training method and destroying my confidence. Sorry, that is just my frustration talking. I need fast and successful puzzle solutions first up for pattern recognition practice plus actually a little boost to my chess confidence (which needs a boost). After that, I push up the difficulty levels to try to extend my learning. With Defensive Move I can't puzzles easy enough at the start for that progression. Hmmm, do I ditch them or find another way to train in them? Should I do them unrated or maybe just do them at slowly "Normal" level till I get the hang of defensive moves? Just spit balling solutions here.
Compared to other puzzles (at my puzzle rating level), I find Defensive Move puzzles far harder than any other puzzles. They seem to be "out of the ballpark" harder than anything else. What could cause this strange anomaly?
1. Am I far worse at defensive moves than anything else? This is feasible. Like many beginners, I don't notice or counter my opponent's plans or tactics very well at all. Even when I know I have to look for these things in a puzzle, I have great difficulty finding the right move(s).
2. Is there something wrong with the ratings of Defensive Move puzzles and why would that be? Are Defensive Move puzzles rarely done by lower rated players and more commonly done only by higher rated players? Would this skew their ratings?
3. Is there something wrong with the algorithm and/or human selection oversight for Defensive Move puzzles?
Example: Look at Puzzle #ZsBo7. This puzzle is rated 901. Is there any way this is a super simple 901 puzzle??? I mean most 900 puzzles are one move mates or one move captures of a hanging piece. This is quite a complicated position, surely nothing like a 901 rating.
I would be interested in other players' experiences of Defensive Move puzzles. At the "Easiest" level (where I start to get bulk quick puzzles done as a warm-up before I progress up the levels, the Defensive Move puzzles are also but not always heavily skewed to endgame puzzles. This might be because the sample size of "Easiest" puzzles at my puzzle rating is simply not large enough.
It would take a lot of words to explain it but this is messing up my puzzle training method and destroying my confidence. Sorry, that is just my frustration talking. I need fast and successful puzzle solutions first up for pattern recognition practice plus actually a little boost to my chess confidence (which needs a boost). After that, I push up the difficulty levels to try to extend my learning. With Defensive Move I can't puzzles easy enough at the start for that progression. Hmmm, do I ditch them or find another way to train in them? Should I do them unrated or maybe just do them at slowly "Normal" level till I get the hang of defensive moves? Just spit balling solutions here.