GM Dynamikus Lichess coach picture

GM Sebastian Bogner

LocationZürich Switzerland
LanguagesDeutsch, English (US)
Hourly rateCHF 120
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Hello everyone, I am GM Sebastian Bogner from Switzerland living in Zürich City.
If you need any further information, visit my website

Playing experience

2019 Swiss Team League Champion

2018 Swiss Champion

2018 Swiss Team League Champion

2017 1. Place Cannes Open

Peak rating: 2619 (August 2018)

Teaching experience

I have 11 years of teaching experience and I am an official Fide-Trainer.

Other experiences

I have a degree in business economics. Experienced chessplayer for more than 20 years.

Best skills

In general I have good knowledge of certain openings. I created during my training career a lot of puzzles for my students which help them to increase their understanding of chess.

Teaching methodology

It will be adapted indivudally to every student.