Checkmate of the Year?!
Have you ever seen such a checkmate like this? Winning 12 points of material down? Watch out for this then..!Some may say that material is what determines the outcome of the game, but in my opinion, as long as you have enough for the enemy king to not escape, you can always win the game. Chess is very interesting, as the ideas behind how the king hides and escapes are very tricky to understand.
How often have you seen the black king surrender itself on the D1 square? In the 28TH MOVE?!
Enjoy how a simple Sicilian can turn very quickly into a nightmare hunt for the enemy king where capturing a rook and two pieces will not end up being enough... and then let me know if you have seen anything similar.
If you made it this far, make sure to like the blog post for more entertaining and instructive games as well! Until next times, happy crappy checkmates to everybody :D
P.S. And yes, AverageAtEverything is in fact me!