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Hovhannes Gabuzyan
Hello dear chess friends, I am GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes, a member of the ChessMood team. On educational platform we offer you over 300 hundred hour of step-by-step courses on openings, middlegames, endgames Check out our full opening repertoire and all the courses here
FIDE rating: 2580
Member since Mar 5, 2019
Time spent playing: 33 days 3 hours 8 minutes
Time on TV: 4 days 8 hours 29 minutes

How to Play Good Chess When Everything Else Goes Bad
I am not a guru of this topic, but I'll share with you how I did it.
5 Reasons to Play Sicilian Defense for Black
GM Gabuzyan shares why the Sicilian is so popular, practical and one of the favorite weapons of some…
Theoretical Pawn Endgames - All You Need to Know U2000 Level
What are the most important King and pawn endgame positions that you must know?Played 4 Blitz games277841
Played 4 Blitz games281922
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Gained 2 new followers
Played 8 Rapid games
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