Solved 14 tactical puzzles215351
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Gregory Hawi
My is full of things can't imagine the way chess can transform someone even if I fell exams even if I feel about sometimes or events made fun of me but I think is and never give up don't give up that's why I had a challenge or something like that no nothing like that we can drop out of school so you just woke up stick with your best at even if it means you'll feel exams be your own Magnus
FIDE rating: 1500
Member since Feb 8, 2024
Time spent playing: 5 days 9 hours 45 minutes
Solved 40 tactical puzzles22044
Started following 2 players
Solved 4 tactical puzzles220027
Played 13 Rapid games16285
Played 3 Classical games166987
Started following 8 players
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #1880 (top 94%) with 3 games in Classical Shield Arena
Solved 11 tactical puzzles222717
Gained 1 new followerStarted following 2 players
Solved 22 tactical puzzles224467
Started following 1 player
Solved 11 tactical puzzles231146
Solved 13 tactical puzzles226554