
The House of Tactics: Puzzle Highlights from Lichess
4 • JayMitros •- CM GlenGratz (2115) - JarJarBeers (2405)
- Mohansabi (1770) - Traubert (1811)
- FM papasi (2585) - GM dalmatinac101 (2795)
- GM alireza2003 (3141) - GM Inventing_Invention (3008)
- JayMitros

Endgame mates you MUST KNOW!
4 • JayMitros •- Welcome!
- Opposition
- Understanding opposition
- Distance opposition
- JayMitros
World's best pawn endgames
0 • ManuMichoel •- Pawn endgames: introduction
- Cohn vs Rubenstein
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- ManuMichoel
Pawn Endgames 1
7 • Matt3010 •- Pawn Endgames!
- Intro puzzle
- Find the quickest draw!
- Tricky puzzle
- Matt3010

64 Pawn Endings!
17 • Divena013 •- Malakhov, V. - Najer, E.
- Ljubojevic, Lj - Browne, W.
- Fier, A. - Mekhitarian, K.
- Taimanov, M. - Cuellar Gacharna, M.
- Divena013
Endgame Studies
3 • RaphaelDuarte1311 •- Classic two pawns
- Reti's Study
- The Exception!!
- Queen vs Rook Pattern
- andrewparcero
- RaphaelDuarte1311
Mates to know!
5 • RaphaelDuarte1311 •- Introduction
- Level 1: Two rooks checkmate
- Level 1: Certification
- Level 2: Queen+King checkmate
- andrewparcero
- RaphaelDuarte1311

Playing the Endgame for Beginners
1 • Dubear504 •- Introduction
- Ladder Mate #1️⃣
- Ladder Mate #2️⃣
- King and Queen Mate #1️⃣
- Dubear504

Finales de Torres (interactivo)
3 • Carjaquin •- Básico 1: La posición de Lucena
- Como llegar a la posición de Lucena
- Lucena: Peones en columnas a/h es tablas
- Lucena: Peones columnas a/h Gana
- Ajedrez_Alvear
- Carjaquin
- Ajedrez_Echague