Game Collection
Guess the move! Grandmaster games to improve your chess skills
3 • JayMitros •- GM Lintchevski_Daniil (3112) - TimQuaker (2913)
- GM charmgame (2820) - GM GMVallejo (2915)
- GM Robert James Fischer (2666) - GM Samuel Reshevsky (2686)
- GM Magnus Carlsen (2484) - GM Garry Kasparov (2831)
- JayMitros

My best chess games
1 • ARJUNS8 •- Intro
- ARJUNS8 (1618) - SardanaA (1454)
- Es_Sam (1620) - ARJUNS8 (1606)
- CB_Kaydenkua (1209) - ARJUNS8 (1338)
Logical Chess Move by Move: Chernev
1 • FRPR •- Scheve - Teichmann
- Liubarski - Soultanbeieff
- Colle - Delvaux
- Blackburne - Blanchard

My best chess games
1 • ARJUNS8 •- Intro
- ARJUNS8 (1618) - SardanaA (1454)
- Es_Sam (1620) - ARJUNS8 (1606)
- CB_Kaydenkua (1209) - ARJUNS8 (1338)
Logical Chess Move by Move: Chernev
1 • SamEnclaustrado •- Introduction
- Scheve - Teichmann
- Liubarski - Soultanbeieff
- Colle - Delvaux
- SamEnclaustrado

64 Pawn Endings!
17 • Divena013 •- Malakhov, V. - Najer, E.
- Ljubojevic, Lj - Browne, W.
- Fier, A. - Mekhitarian, K.
- Taimanov, M. - Cuellar Gacharna, M.
- Divena013

Positional Queen Sacrifices
4 • ProfessorMarulk •- How much is a queen worth?
- Textbook exchange for White
- Textbook exchange for Black
- Sacrificing the queen to neutralize the attack
- ProfessorMarulk
The Art of The Checkmate: Renaud and Kahn
11 • jomega •- Introduction: The Art of The Checkmate
- The Idea
- Book Review
- Games and Positions
- jomega
Chess History II. (1900 - 1945)
8 • L46UN35 •- Introduction
- Carl Schlechter vs. Walter John "Total Paralyzed" (1905)
- Georg Rotlevi vs. Akiba Rubinstein "Rubinstein's Immortal" (1907)
- Frank Marshall vs. José Raul Capablanca "Marchin' on" (1909)
- L46UN35
Chess History I. (1700 - 1900)
6 • L46UN35 •- Introduction
- Kermur Sire de Legal vs. Saint Brie "Legal trap" (1750)
- Thomas Bowdler vs. Henry Seymour Conway "Brawl" (1788)
- Francois Philidor vs. John M. Bruehl "Endgame theory No'1" (1789)
- L46UN35
Chess History IV. (2000 - 2023)
5 • L46UN35 •- Introduction
- Vladimir Kramnik vs. Garry Kasparov - "Shock the champion!" (2000)
- Judit Polgár vs. Garry Kasparov "Ladies First" (2002) 1-0
- Sergey Karjakin vs. V. Malinin "Pure Agression!" (2002)
- L46UN35
Chess History III. (1945 - 2000)
2 • L46UN35 •- Introduction
- Gosta Stoltz vs. Herman Steiner "Combo time" (1952)
- Efim Geller vs. Max Euwe "The best game Euwe" (1953)
- Paul Keres vs. Szabó László "Bombard the Kingside" (1955)
- L46UN35
Logical Chess Move by Move: Chernev
2 • dleli •- Scheve - Teichmann
- Liubarski - Soultanbeieff
- Colle - Delvaux
- dleli
A First Book of Morphy: 61-69: Frisco Del Rosario
2 • wanderean •- Morphy / Barnes - Staunton / Owen
- Thompson, J. - Morphy, Paul
- Morphy, Paul - NN
- Hammond, George - Morphy, Paul
- wanderean