
CRUSH with the King's Gambit!

105 • MSHARK19 •
  1. ️ Welcome ️
  2. Introduction
  3. Chapter 1 | KGA Macleod Defense
  4. Macleod Sidelines | 7... Bg4
  1. MSHARK19
  2. messiMIA10
  3. Yyoushee
  4. soccerlover2505

Insane tactic

9 • JordanianFisher •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. JordanianFisher

Basic Checkmate Patterns for Beginners

66 • Venoo0m •
  1. Introduction
  2. Study Guide
  3. Anatasia's Mate
  4. Arabian Mate
  1. Venoo0m

The Art Of Awakening Pieces

54 • DragonFly7311 •
  1. 2. Undermining Squares - A Simple Plan
  2. 2. Undermining Squares - Spassky - Taimanov, 1956
  3. 2. Undermining Squares - A Game of Mine
  4. 2. Undermining Squares - Activating the Worst-Placed P
  1. DragonFly7311

Opening Traps 3.

115 • player9128 •
  1. Welcome!
  2. Trap 1
  3. Trap 2.
  4. Trap 3.
  1. max_zaizai
  2. ZaiZai2022
  3. Lex_Li_Changxing
  4. Mazhaozhao_yolo

Caro Kan Variante

11 • No_puede_ser •
  1. Capítulo 1
  2. Capítulo 2
  3. Capítulo 3
  4. Capítulo 4
  1. No_puede_ser

50 стратегических приёмов

20 • issichess •
  2. 1.1 Зубарев-Александров Москва 1915
  3. 1.2 Алехин - Земиш
  4. 1.3 Смыслов - Керес
  1. doktorLoginov
  2. PavelSPB812
  3. mars1812
  4. Vladimir729

Diablo's fortress

12 • Diablo4747 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Quick Preface to Horde
  3. What is a fortress ?
  4. Example
  1. Diablo4747

Mate en 4 (Intermedio)

5 • Saco_Oliveros •
  1. Jaque mate
  2. Ejemplo 1
  3. Ejemplo 2
  4. Ejercicio 1
  1. Saco_Oliveros

First ever racing kings game

7 • panagiskosmatos •
  1. First race ever
  1. panagiskosmatos

Mate In Two 2

5 • Chessforall321 •
  1. Mate In Two 2: Chapter 1
  2. Mate In Two 2: Chapter 2
  3. Mate In Two 2: Chapter 3
  4. Mate In Two 2: Chapter 4
  1. Chessforall321

Malik_AZ's Study

2 • Malik_AZ •
  1. Main Idea
  1. CyberDemon5462
  2. Malik_AZ

победа над женским мастером

3 • Timulin •
  1. победа вфм
  1. Timulin

Black Horse & Masters U2000

2 • AliMowafy2009 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. AliMowafy2009

Scotch Gambit

172 • chessforall123 •
  1. Scotch Gambit and Scotch Refused
  2. Scotch Gambit, Benima Defense - Be7
  3. Practice #1
  4. Scotch Gambit, London Defense, Göring Variation - Bb4, cxb2
  1. Sreekrishna_2014
  2. chessforall123
  3. Bani-Singh
  4. Rockstar_aarav


4 • Fouchin •
  1. Capítulo 1
  2. Capítulo 2
  3. Capítulo 3
  1. Carlos_py
  2. dooshik12
  3. MateoG_F
  4. Sonic_017