
Lichess coaches

IM pulvettd Lichess coach picture

IM Daniel Pulvett

Nunca es tarde para aprender y mejorar!

LocationMadrid Spain
RatingFIDE: 24892672
Hourly rate40 euros
IM jesusmartinduque Lichess coach picture

IM Jesus Martin Duque

Entrenamiento duro, partida fácil........................................

Location Spain
LanguagesEspañol, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 242224002470
Hourly rate25€/h leassons 8€/h training games
GM Superetual Lichess coach picture

GM Andrea Stella

CONTACT INQUIRY:     Whatsapp: +39 3348074864    e-mail:

LocationMalaga Spain
LanguagesEnglish (US), Español, Italiano
Hourly rate50€/hour for a private class in ENGLISH, SPANISH OR ITALIAN. Discounts for multiple hours. Group classes at LOW COST (under6€/h) in Spanish
CM balack Lichess coach picture

CM Marc Balague

Every learning process should be fun, let's make it enjoyable!

LocationZamora Spain
LanguagesEnglish (US), Español, Català, valencià
RatingFIDE: 221025552508
Hourly rateContact me for more information
IM JonasPradoLobo Lichess coach picture

IM Jonas Prado Lobo

If others can achieve success, why not you as well? As your chess coach, I'm here to ensure that you reach your full potential and beyond.

LocationOviedo Spain
LanguagesEspañol, English (US), Català, valencià
RatingFIDE: 240829182732
Hourly rate Hourly Rate: [Group classes available] [Individual classes available, contact me for details - 4 spots left]
CM GabrielPerezPerez Lichess coach picture

CM Gabriel Pérez Pérez

Trabaja duro, sueña en grande

LocationTenerife Spain
LanguagesEspañol, English (US), Català, valencià
RatingFIDE: 22392850250025402375
Hourly rateConsúltame
IM Medarde94 Lichess coach picture

IM Luis Marcos Medarde Santiago

''The biggest secret is that there is no secret'' Working Hard and being passionate on what you do!

LocationSantiago de Compostela Spain
LanguagesEspañol, English (US), Galego
RatingFIDE: 243126722476
Hourly rateIt depends on the student and the number of hours
GM TomasSosa Lichess coach picture

GM Tomás Valentín Sosa

⚡If you can't stop thinking about something, don't stop working to get it💥⚡Si no puedes parar de pensar en algo, no pares de trabajar para conseguirlo💥

LocationBarcelona Spain
LanguagesEnglish (US), Español
RatingFIDE: 255829002715
Hourly rateAvailable to speak. Consúltame.
FM AlexZambrano Lichess coach picture

FM Alexander Zambrano Rodriguez

Constancia, disciplina, confianza en si mismo y sobre todo humildad son las claves del éxito

LocationGalicia Spain
RatingFIDE: 21832603251021641952
Hourly rate( 15 Euros la hora,( Whatsapp +58 414 438 07 32 Entreno desde Principiantes hasta 1600 Rating Lichess o FIDE
GM jrgascon Lichess coach picture

GM Jose Gascon Del Nogal

You will completely change the way you see chess. Will improve your understanding and thinking proccess very fast

LocationMadrid Spain
LanguagesEspañol, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 2498271322942305
Hourly rate80 euros/hour