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GM Mamikon_Gharibyan

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Mamikon Gharibyan
Chess Grandmaster. 2x European Champion and 2x Bronze Medalist Available for training games!
FIDE rating: 2492
Member since Apr 30, 2020
Time spent playing: 8 days 19 hours 43 minutes
Time on TV: 1 day 15 hours 50 minutes
TeamsШахматные Пушки.
Armenia 18 teamAvengers ChessA.Yeghiazaryan Memorialcheesfrance
Chess Academy Cup - II stagefuturegm1905 and friendsGM Mircica & FriendsIM Matvey GalchenkoIndicheck _hu
INTENTAR MASTERKaroun cup TournementKazakhstan Cup QualifiersLevitov Chess EliteLichess Chess960
MONTEMoscow City DayQATAR CHESS ASSOCIATIONRadix Open ArenaSaqochess & friends and fan clubSundays with Unity - July 26th, 2020Sundays with Unity - June 28th, 2020Sundays with Unity Weekly International June 14, 2020Sundays with Unity Weekly International June 21st, 2020Team JulbenThe Fouth"BoYi Cup" Youth Chess invitational tournamentаtohik
TurnierorganisationUnity International TournamentsUnity Titled PlayersБългарска Блиц Арена-1Worldwide chessteam

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