GM NoelStuder's Blog

How to make chess easy (not what you expect)
Imagine playing a poker tournament for 7 days straight for 12+ hours a day. $10,000 of your own mone…
Why system openings are bad for black
Many chess improvers love system openings. If you play the London, you can develop in nearly every g…
How to prepare like a Grandmaster
Next week I will prepare my fiancée WFM Alessia in her OTB tournament in Maia, Portugal. The goal is…
How to handle toxic chess opponents
Sadly, most of us had an experience with a toxic chess opponent. It can throw you off the game. Inst…
How much chess improvement is possible?
I get asked all the time a question along the lines of: "I'm 45 years old, started 3 years ago, now …
How to procrastinate less
YouTube videos, opening courses, the latest Chess Drama - no matter your chess vice, it is hard to a…
How little experiments make things fun
Many readers have requested it, and now I finally did it: my own chess improvement Podcast.
Stop planning - start doing
Planning the ideal way to improve is a noble way of procrastinating.