Played 58 Blitz games142118
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Mein Vorbild im Schach. José Raúl Capablanca

Member since Oct 27, 2012
Time spent playing: 1172 days 14 hours 33 minutes
Time on TV: 5 hours 25 minutes
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Gained 1 new follower
Competed in 6 tournaments
Ranked #460 (top 31%) with 11 games in Eastern Blitz Arena
Ranked #245 (top 34%) with 11 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #418 (top 49%) with 5 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #385 (top 50%) with 10 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #383 (top 55%) with 12 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #822 (top 63%) with 2 games in Eastern SuperBlitz Arena
Played 71 Blitz games140364
Gained 1 new follower
Competed in 9 tournaments
Ranked #115 (top 29%) with 10 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #148 (top 33%) with 7 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #299 (top 35%) with 11 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #409 (top 37%) with 9 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #376 (top 49%) with 11 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #554 (top 51%) with 10 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #414 (top 64%) with 2 games in Hourly Blitz Arena
Ranked #412 (top 65%) with 4 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #613 (top 74%) with 4 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Played 103 Blitz games133951
Gained 2 new followers
Competed in 10 tournaments
Ranked #1477 (top 19%) with 30 games in Yearly Blitz Arena
Ranked #179 (top 25%) with 10 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #155 (top 43%) with 8 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #286 (top 49%) with 12 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #938 (top 55%) with 12 games in Daily SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #269 (top 56%) with 7 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #554 (top 73%) with 9 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #822 (top 96%) with 8 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #580 (top 99%) with 3 games in Hourly Blitz Arena
Ranked #525 (top 99%) with 1 game in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Played 107 Blitz games139015
Played 3 Bullet games103418
Played 2 Rapid games14496
Competed in 12 tournaments
Ranked #109 (top 22%) with 9 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #1120 (top 27%) with 19 games in Weekly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #117 (top 28%) with 11 games in Philidor Defense SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #258 (top 32%) with 12 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #33 (top 40%) with 19 games in Friendly team fights Team Battle
Ranked #511 (top 50%) with 6 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #877 (top 61%) with 2 games in Daily Rapid Arena
Ranked #30 (top 71%) with 1 game in КИВСЕ против ссу Team Battle
Ranked #502 (top 71%) with 8 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #678 (top 73%) with 5 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #324 (top 91%) with 1 game in ≤1700 Blitz Arena
Ranked #575 (top 95%) with 9 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Played 158 Blitz games137592
Gained 4 new followers
Competed in 18 tournaments
Ranked #443 (top 33%) with 7 games in Eastern Blitz Arena
Ranked #137 (top 34%) with 8 games in Scandinavian Defense SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #399 (top 37%) with 10 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #303 (top 52%) with 9 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #631 (top 52%) with 10 games in Eastern SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #225 (top 55%) with 17 games in TPR LEGENDS CHAMPIONSHIP Team Battle
Ranked #429 (top 59%) with 9 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #286 (top 67%) with 6 games in Trompowsky Attack SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #567 (top 68%) with 5 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #682 (top 70%) with 2 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #564 (top 73%) with 9 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #623 (top 73%) with 8 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #764 (top 74%) with 9 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #304 (top 75%) with 3 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #788 (top 75%) with 8 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Played 197 Blitz games146724
Gained 3 new followers
Competed in 12 tournaments
Ranked #48 (top 12%) with 84 games in TPR MASTERS CHAMPIONSHIP Team Battle
Ranked #166 (top 33%) with 13 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #168 (top 41%) with 11 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #114 (top 43%) with 13 games in King's Gambit Declined SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #171 (top 43%) with 9 games in Scandinavian Defense SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #357 (top 52%) with 9 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #462 (top 55%) with 10 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #356 (top 56%) with 11 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #397 (top 57%) with 8 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #546 (top 57%) with 11 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #314 (top 72%) with 7 games in Hourly Blitz Arena
Ranked #423 (top 74%) with 6 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Played 117 Blitz games1491113
Gained 1 new follower
Competed in 10 tournaments
Ranked #38 (top 21%) with 40 games in CTB-10 Mega Prizes Team Battle
Ranked #151 (top 26%) with 5 games in Hourly Blitz Arena
Ranked #285 (top 29%) with 13 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #115 (top 30%) with 10 games in King's Gambit Declined SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #333 (top 36%) with 12 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #413 (top 47%) with 5 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #454 (top 48%) with 6 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #254 (top 54%) with 11 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #756 (top 72%) with 5 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena
Ranked #492 (top 75%) with 5 games in Hourly SuperBlitz Arena