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Oleksandr Bortnyk
Chess InsightsAnalytics from Night-King96's gamesMy First Chessable course Also Together with GM Daniel Naroditsky (RebeccaHarris) have created the course Jobava-London System. I hope it will help you destroy your opponent.
FIDE rating: 2605
Member since Feb 20, 2018
Time spent playing: 24 days 15 hours 55 minutes
Time on TV: 9 days 14 hours 44 minutes
TeamsBortnykChessBortnykChessAcademyChesslandiaFIDEGM Benjamin BokKazakhstan Cup QualifiersLevitov ChessLevitov Chess EliteMILLENNIUMOfferspill SjakklubbRadix Open ArenaSundays with Unity - June 28th, 2020Sundays with Unity Weekly International June 14, 2020Team ChessableUnity Titled PlayersVeni Vidi Vici Gaming
Played 10 Bullet games319837
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Gained 2 new followers
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Played 1 Bullet game315510
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