Played 5 Chess960 games25992
GM RealDavidNavara
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David Navara
I am a Czech GM born in 1985. I enjoy playing Chess960. I wrote the book My Chess World (Thinkers Publishing, 2020). I am a co-author of the book The Secret Ingredient (Quality Chess, 2021), GM Ján Markoš being the main author. I am working on a new book for Thinkers Publishing. When facing an unprovoked attack, one has full right to defend adequately.
FIDE rating: 2667
Member since Jun 2, 2020
Time spent playing: 19 days 22 hours 32 minutes
Time on TV: 11 days 12 hours 10 minutes

Five big myths concerning my appeal to FIDE
This text was written to remove some misunderstandings concerning my complaint to FIDE
A hammer blow
Bad statictics can sometimes be worse than no statisticsGained 3 new followers
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Played 1 Blitz game284614
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Played 2 Chess960 games26012
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Played 6 Chess960 games25998
Gained 1 new followerStarted following 1 player
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Played 1 Chess960 game25916
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